p diVine shadOw :: saVe mE fRom tHe darKnesS..

わたし (me)

name: divinition, eric, エリック
age: 17
date of existence: 6th of august 1987
starsign: Leo, the INDOMITABLE lion... before...
status: unemployed, in a relationship, madly in love , bored, tons of time, low self esteem...
msn: linkinpark8@hotmail.com
skype: divinition
icq: 153093393 (dead)
hp: 016-2787234

my mood

death is inevitable.. and it's TOMORROW!!!!!!
very certain that i love her from the deepest depths of my soul.. mwah!
サブリナを 愛してる!
The current mood of divinition at www.imood.com


my baby
good food
using the computer
mixing with my pals
footie and badminton


mo-fo beheaders aka ppl with small weeners
'those' ppl
mat motor
bitter gourd,chillies, brinjal and *uggh* petai
rap music (a little exception for Eminem)
selfish and ignorant people
money minded people


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divinition's photos
Su Ann
xin nee
lie peh
rachel heow


Boyis - Wallpapers Galore
P2P Programs
The REAL Cost of War in IRAQ

absolute wishlist

a nice cheap SUREFIRE.. wahahaha.. *hint hint*
i-pod photo - 40G RM2000
a College FREE
a nissan skyline gtr, or an integra, or a putra, or a proton, or what the heck... a car.. RM???
oakley time bomb ltd edition USD25,000.. haha.. no kidding..
oakley crush 2.0, stealth black.. RM1140
freedom... priceless
money... hmmm... =p


March 2004
April 2004
December 2004
January 2005
February 2005
March 2005
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September 2005


the costs of war

Cost of the War in Iraq
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Wednesday, February 23, 2005

goodnight world.. haha.. i'm just so hyped bout being able to write in japanese.. hahahaha.. don't ask me why.. i don't know myself.. hahahahaha... i just feel so nice being able to express myself in jap now.. hahaha.. maybe because i know that a lot of ppl can't read?.. i dunno.. hehe..

あひた、わたしは じどうしゃで midvalleyへ いきます。それから、ともだちに あいます。にほんの たべもの たべます。

hahah.. go figure that out yourself la.. hahahaha.. ask me if u wanna know.. on the comments page.. =p i'm gonna offer my translation services.. muahahahahahhahahahha!!!..

goodnight lo.. haih.. hahahah..


divinition slips into the oblivion.. 11:37:00 pm


* * *

muahahahaha.. finally i can type japanese on my computer!!.. hahahahaha.. been wanting to do this for a long long time liao.. and yesterday, thanks to the wonders of the internet.. (and of course, myself la.. hahahhaa), my comp was finally japan-ised.. =p i guess, one step further to being a にほんーじん (nihon-jin) at heart.. haha..

ahhh.. all this hype bout the japanese people coming and just as abruptly as they arrived, vanish back to kyoto.. it all brings back memories.. yerrhhh.. i think i'll be planning to go back to japan la.. i really miss it so much there la.. counted around how much i need.. and i'll share it with you la.. to go back to morioka for like 2 weeks (i know you'll think that's like too long right? but there's so many things to see, so any things to do!!.. haha.. although it'll cost me BOTH arms and legs.. =p ) so here goes..

  1. Air Ticket : RM1700 (KUL~JAP~KUL)
  2. しんかんせん (Bullet Train) : RM1100 (Narita~Morioka~Narita)
  3. Accomodation : RM200 x 14nights = RM2800 ($$$ fly fly away)
  4. Food : RM30 x 3meals a day x 14 days = RM1260
  5. Transportation : RM 400 (Most places are accessible by bike. Taxis are $$)
  6. Pocket Money : RM 3000 (Last time I was there, I spent like 2k++ =p )


OMG!!! darn.. i gotta save like hell now.. hahaha.. but.. looking on the bright side, there's a slight possiblity that we'll be able to save on the accomodation.. haha.. we're hoping that my previous host isn't that forgetful to host the 3 of us.. haha.. Sv, Z and me.. haha.. then we'll be able to save about.. hmm.. RM1000?.. haha. i hope so la.. it doesn't look a good prospect.. hmmm.. kinda miss them also la.. hope to see them.. satomi-san and her family.. (fingers crossed.. maybe can save on food also.. muahahahahahhaa.. )

hmmm.. don't think realistically i can save that much before the end of the year la.. hurr.. i really wanna see all my friends from japan la.. hmm.. been keeping in touch with a boy there.. haha.. he's kinda cute i think.. i'm not a girl so i wouldn't know.. (kinda forgot his name also.. aiks! i think its shinji or sumthin like that.. haha. ) this is how he looks like.. hehe.. i dunno he handsome or not la.. hahahahaha...

is he cute?.. haha.. i omitted tzu zhung's picture next to him.. haha.. shinji's the main attraction of the pic, not him.. so i took him out.. no hard feelings!.. kekekee.. to those who know jap, ダニ さんは ばか です!! the first part is katakana.. haha.. the rest hiragana..

and the other memories from morioka.. haih.. will only stay as memories that i cannot relive unless i can come up with 10000 bucks.. hahahahha

this is in mc'd in morioka.. hahaha.. fooling around so late at night.. late there la.. all the shops all almost closed liao.. hehe..

in front of the city hall.. (from left) darren, miss aya, russian gal, me, tzuch, addie, amanda, il yeon, kezanne *sigh*, and darn.. i forgot the name of that korean girl liao.. hehe..

in the garden of the broadcasting company of morioka.. haha.. see all the media there.. where they show all the good animes!

oops! hahaha.. a nice intermisssion to laugh at.. hahahahahaa.. ごめんね! (gomenne!)

okay.. so i guess i'll end here. haha.. tired la.. haih.. got 2 weeks liddat before i head off to NS.. damn..

じゃ、さよなら! (ok well, sayonara!) hehehe..

divinition slips into the oblivion.. 5:54:00 pm


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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

when they first come.. this is on friday..

group pic

another group pic.. kawaii desu!

in KLCC before going to the bridge..

on the bridge.. (from left) my bro, me, yamazaki, yamada..

in front of istana negara.. haha.. special pic that no one else in skool will have.. this is after they left skool on sunday.. we sprinted to istana and surprised them there.. hahaha.. (from left) Hansamu-san, "Cheese", Satoshi-san, Tzuch, Me, Yamazaki-san, Jess, Tommy and his sister i guess.. , Yamada-san, Julia, Yvonne, Akitsu-san.

one last picture with the japs.. haha.. memories galore..

haha.. the pics you just saw were pictures of the japanese when they came to malaysia!.. haha... i was so lucky (i think) to be able to host 2 jap boys!.. haha.. Ryusuke Yamazaki, and another named Yamada.. (i forgot the other part of his name.. hahahaha.. i'm so embarrased... *blushing* ) ryusuke is the i guess, more good looking one ler.. hahaha.. wah! the students from japan are like so CUTE!!! haha.. both physically and personality wise la.. haha.. yerrrhhh!!.. i wanna be a nihon-jin (japanese in japanese.. hehehe) liao.. hmmm.. triggers memories of what i experienced in morioka.. hehehehe.. yerrrhhh!!.. i wanna go to japan liao ler.. maybe at the end of the year la.. i estimated i need around 7000 liddat ler.. hmmm.. a big wad of cash to spend.. *money fly fly away.. hahaha*

so, back to the jap boys.. first time i met him (ryosuke), and told him that i was going to be his host.. wah, straight away give me a hug.. hahaha.. don't ask me why or give me that "what-the-hell??" face okay?.. i don't know why he did that.. haha.. but i knew straight away he was like the fun type of person ler.. hahaha.. and then i met the other one, yamada.. haha.. and my first impression was.. hmm.. this must be the quiet type ler... hahaha.. and i was right!! so we left skool later and went back to my hse.. in my bloody old piece of junk i call a car.. and i reached home and, you know, the usual stuff happens when you have a guest in the house.. you introduce them to your folks, you show them their room, the otearai (toilet).. those kinda things ler..

then we went off to sungei wang and eat la.. in esquire kitchen.. hmmm.. i know kinda lame to bring them there la.. but what was i to do?.. it was raining cats and dogs outside and we couldn't eat err... authentic chinese food.. hahaha.. so we went to esquire to tabemasu (eat) la.. even low sang there.. =p then later nothin to do liao.. they didn't wanna shop.. so we bought souvenirs for them lo.. pewter.. haha.. they liked the pewter keychains and so we bought for them lo.. then got nothin to do in sungei wang later liao.. so we were outta there!.. then stopped by the "wing heong" shope to get the BBQ pork for them to eat.. haha.. they tried some in my house and they lurrrrvveedd it!.. haha.. so we bought fer them to let their folks try it.. and no dounbt they will love it la.. my host parents in morioka also were hooked at first 'bite'... hahahahahaha... then got nothin to do again...

then went to ginny's party la.. haha.. at least they got to quell their boredom by meeting another 2 classmates of theirs.. i forgot their real names but their nicknames, according to ryusuke, one was hansamu (handsome) and the other sakana (fish) hahahahhahaa.. so i now refer to them as fish and handsome.. apparently handsome cause he has a way with the ladies woorr... hahahaha.. and sakana-san?? haha. i dunno la.. but he's really artistic though.. can draw.. manga fan i suppose.. has his own webbie too.. so long i forgot liao.. ask julia if you wanna know.. hehehe.. then there they got to see fireworks lo.. and i got to at least see my queen for more than the 5 minutes i'm spending with her on certain weekdays after school.. hahaha.. then at round 12, we left.. and i got lost in the bkt. segar housing estate there.. haha.. went round and round.. couldn't find way out.. hahhaha.. but luckily somehow bumped into it la.. haha.. =p

following day leh, had to wake up at the ungodly hour of 7am to go to klcc, go collect tickets for the visit up the tower.. to the bridge la.. haih.. take them on the train to get to klcc.. then since it was 8.30 in the morning in klcc, there weren't many shops open.. so didn't know where to eat breakfast.. in the end, go DOME eat wo.. walau.. taihen takai desu!!! (extremely expensive..) hahaha.. breakfast for 4 ppl was RM100+.. haha.. and although i ordered something like was priced RM 4.50.. hahahaha... theirs (including my brother's.. were sandwiches like RM20 each!!.. *.*" )... hahahahaha... then visited the towers lo.. haha.. other than taking a few pics, it was like super tsumaranai (boring)... so we went back to my place after that.. (hmm.. i guessed my friends kinda like going to my hse la.. haha.. got "green paper" to take yeah??.. hahaha.. *wink* ) then off to pewter factory lo.. lucky got a japanese speaking guide there.. haha.. but her japanese ok ok only la.. i even thought i could at least match her knowledge of japanese.. hahahahahaa.. then i knew they were like bored liao de.. so we went to midvalley!!! bowling!!! hahahahaha.. malaysia vs japanese.. haha.. we WON!!.. japs, haih.. sau pei la.. muahahahaaaa.. "cheese", jess and my brother.. wah, noob doz a.. but still haha.. got so so many lucky shots.. or is it bowls.. hahahaha..

then off to julia's place fer dinner la.. nothing much happened.. (besides the "ahem ahem" incident la.. not nice to say.. hahaha.. ) then went back home lo.. next morning woke at 8!!.. was late!!.. was supposed to be in skool at 8.45!!!.. so i sped to skool la.. haha.. fortunately, thanks to my new found driving skill that has been brushed up by constant practice, i reached early la.. hahahaha.. haih.. continue tomoro ler.. k??.. i'm tired to type now la.. ahahhahahahaa.. yeah liz?.. =p

ja~, oyasuminasai-to-sayonara!

divinition slips into the oblivion.. 12:49:00 pm


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Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Only One - Yellowcard

Broken this fragile thing now
And I can't, I can't pick up the pieces
And I've thrown my words all around
But I can't, I can't give you a reason

I feel so broken up (so broken up)
And I give up (I give up)
I just want to tell you so you know

Here I go, scream my lungs out and try get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one that gets me like you do
You are my only, my only one

Made my mistakes, let you down
And I can't, I can't hold on for too long
Ran my whole life in the ground
And I can't, I can't get up when you're gone

And something's breaking up (breaking up)
I feel like giving up (like giving up)
I won't walk out until you know

Here I go, scream my lungs out and try get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one that gets me like you do
You are my only my only one

Here I go...so dishonestly leave a note for you my only one
And I know...you can see right through me
So let me go...and you will find some one

Here I go, scream my lungs out and try get to you
You are my only one
I let go, there's just no one...no one like you
You are my only my only one
My only one(x3)
You are my only, my only one!

divinition slips into the oblivion.. 1:30:00 am


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Tuesday, February 08, 2005

hmmm.. the phone.. since its invention, millions of people have succeded in gaining so much benefit from it.. but i don't know.. i don't get it.. hmmm..

so many people use the phone to get in ttouch with their loved ones far far away so they can at least seem closer.. so they can at least reduce the yearn to see one another.. but not me..
even though she's so close, i still can't use the phone to get in touch with her.. i no longer hold the spark to make her cheer up, make her smile, and make her forget all the problems that she keeps so well disguised under that charming and dazzling look of hers.. hmmm.. i guess i never do well in relationships..

i remember once, when i was with my previous significant other, there were certain people who told me

Anonymous: "you know, she should be lucky to have you.. any girl would.."
Eric: "yeah right..."

hmm.. how can that statement be true now?.. i don't feel special at all.. i don't feel wanted.. then why am i hanging on.. why do i still love her like i do.. why?.. a question that may never be answered..

divinition slips into the oblivion.. 11:50:00 pm


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Monday, February 07, 2005

i think its time to change skins liao.. hehe.. beginning to get an eyesore looking at black all the time.. haha.. it'll be coming these few days ler.. haha.. =p

divinition slips into the oblivion.. 11:14:00 am


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Sunday, February 06, 2005

wow.. been a long long time since i last update this blog.. haha.. sry ppl! been kinda wondering what to write and up till this very nanosecond, still can't figure out anything interesting to pen out.. or should i say, type.. hehe..

as you can see, i've added a sorta info bar at the bottom of the blog.. it sorta tells what's going on in my computer and it's stats ler.. haha.. got nothin to do.. so i thought of adding this 'thing' to make it a lil more interesting ler..

valentine's day is just round the corner people! have you all bought your presents?.. i mean, even if you are single, there's gotta be someone you admire or wanna get closer with right?.. haha.. don't procrastinate!! make haste and buy those presents! doesn't have to be expensive though..

it's such a wonderful feeling ain't it?.. this aura of love and serendipity thats surrounding us now.. haha.. going out nowadays with my *sigh* parents, i see so many couples holding hands and you know.. just enjoying the other's company.. haha.. come monday, all the restaurants will be full and streets around the popular shopping spots will be jam packed with lovebirds basking in the joy of saint valentine himself..

too bad i won't be occupied by gazing into my baby's eyes.. hmmm.. darn it.. had to be a monday.. haha.. oh well, i guess i'll be in kl plaza though.. brushing up on my nihon-go.. haha.. that's japanese language in.. well, japanese.. =p but fear not, for she'll still be in mind..

wah, the whole week, i've been spending my time spring cleaning my house.. the new year's just a shout away, and it's like customary for us chinese to ransack the whole house, wipe it spotless and in the end, put it all back together again.. let's see what i've done..

  1. Painted the whole outside of the house white, by myself.. =p
  2. Repainted all the gates and doors..
  3. Cleaned the filth that's been collecting since the last spring clean.. haha..
  4. Taken the living room apart and mopped and cleaned..
  5. Cleaned all the windows..
  6. Bathrooms too... *uggghhh* total of 3 bathrooms..

that's about it i guess.. haha.. i wanted to exchange my services with cash, but my mom, with her principle that sons are responsible to HELP their parents, said no to salary.. hehe.. oh well..

that's about all i can think of right now.. and i'll post more once i get more sparks of ideas!.. =p cheerios'

divinition slips into the oblivion.. 5:04:00 pm


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Friday, February 04, 2005

hmm.. just finished looking at ginny's yafro... hmm.. seeing her so happy, makes me happy too.. but at the same time.. a mixed feeling of sadness as well.. seeing her photo makes me miss her so.. miss her so.. and i realise its now 3.47am.. feel so darned useless..

divinition slips into the oblivion.. 3:47:00 am


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cars.. everyday you see them.. some small and petite, some large and luxurious, some midsized.. various sizes, colours, shapes, specs... hmm.. plenty of categories, i if should say so.. hehe.. but the ones we see the least are the supercars!.. love em'.. hehe.. one of my favourites!

wooohoo.. drooling yet?.. the new DaimlerChrysler ME 4-12.. packs some serious horsepower.. hehe.. read about it here.. ahhh... gonna set me back half-a-million smackers though.. USD too!!.. without tax!! darn... i hate not being super-ultra-crazily-bloody-friggin-exaggeratedly-indespensibly-profoundly-superlatively RICH!!!! oh well, it's a tough job being mediocre.. but someone has to do it.. hehe.. (felt kinda corny saying that.. =p )

here's another pic..

divinition slips into the oblivion.. 12:51:00 am


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Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Hosted by Photobucket.com


divinition slips into the oblivion.. 12:53:00 am


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Tuesday, February 01, 2005


1. Are you serious when it comes to relationships?
Yes. I truly am, although sometimes i don't know whether its better to be more serious or just loosen up...

2. Are you afraid of commitments?
No, i'm not.. I think it's a part of a relationship.. Don't you?

3. Are you a risk taker?
Errm.. It depends on a person's definition on taking risks.. If i think it'll be worth taking, I'll take it.. Depends on the outcome, you get what I mean?

4. What can you say about long distance relationships?
As one of my friends said before, only a few special relationships can maintain it.. I don't think I can.. Been there, done that..

5. Can you love a person who doesn't love you?
Yup. I believe that you do not have to own a person to love them. They're 2 different things.. If being with me will not make my love happy, then so be it.. If it means being with another, then so be it.. Because if you truly love a person, you want them to be as happy, even if it's your unhappiness..

6. Do actions speak louder than words?
Yes. Saying I LOVE YOU without truly showing that you do would be a waste of time. Telling them and SHOWING them that you care is a totally different thing.

7. Have u felt/found true love?
In every relationship I would like to think that i have. It can maybe act as an encouragement and like give you the state of mind to think that: "wow, it might actually work this time..". And this time, I really mean it.

8. How can you say that a person loves you?
Haha.. I don't know.. I guess it's sort of a.. ermm.. 6th sense.. It's like you just know when they have feelings for you.. It's in their eyes.. Eyes don't lie.. And maybe their actions as well..

9. Are you good in handling relationships?
I don't know. No one has ever told me that I do. But then again, no one has ever told me i don't as well. So, its a question you should ask other people. Not me.

10. Willing to give everything?
Yes. Definitely.

11. Best thing you've learned from loving?
I learned that the most inportant thing is not being together physically, but more spiritually.. I think that truthfulness and total faith in your significant other is imperative to continue a relationship. And that love is really a rollercoaster. There are its thrills and there are its boring parts.. But generally, there will be ups and downs.. It's just that everyone hopes that their ride will never ever end.

12. Do you demand your loved one to change into someone that pleases you?
No I won't. Because you love this person in the first place because of who they are. Therefore, I would NEVER ask them to change to please me.

13. Would you let go of someone you love?
To enable them to be happier and live a better life than now? YES. Because you think that it would be impossible to continue? NO. Because there's never impossible. You just gotta keep on trying.

14. Are you a one woman man & vice versa type of person?
Yeah, I am. I believe that it's important to be loyal. And besides, one night stands won't do anyone any good would it?

15. Is sex important in a relationship?
Wahahaha.. Not now, it isn't. *wink*

16. How do you express your love to someone?
Remembering to tell her how much she means to you. That my life isn't complete without her. By doing the simple things that make her day a little more joyous and happier to live. But that's how I do it.

17. What is the major reason of a break up?
Mostly because of misunderstandings, lack of campatibility and outside influences. Gosh, I hate to think bout this..

18. Most important ingredient in a relationship?
Loyalty, Faith, Trust, Fun.

19. Ever regret loving someone?
No, because every relaionship I've gone through gave me more experiences, on what to do and what not to do as well as a deeper understanding of the opposite gender. That's why i don't reagret any of them. I learn from it.

20. One thing you hate about love?
The abruptness of it. Love like can never be found. You can't just go like: "Oh, I tihink I'm financially stable to support a girlfriend. I think I'll go 'hunting' for one". Love is like... bumped into.. And as sudden as it's found, it can be lost as well. I hate that. ( The part where you lose it suddenly.. not the finding.. )

21. One thing you like about love?
The feeling that you are important to someone and that you wake up everyday feeling loved. Feeling that the best thing in the world is happening to you. And feeling so close to another person.

22. Worst thing you did to a loved one?
Not standing up for them. But that was before. Not now.

23. Are you in love?

24. With whom?
Those who know me should know. Those who don't, well, ponder on.

25. Do you have a bf/gf?

26. Why?
There is a why? Love I guess?

27. Are you a hopeless romantic?
Yes, unfortunately.

28. Do you get tired of loving?
Yeah, I do. When my significant other doesn't show that they care, doesn't show that they do miss and feel for me. Yeah, sometimes I do.. But I really can't break it up. Normally, it's the other person who breaks it up, not me. It's because, 1. I can't live with the thought of giving up the best thing in my life, and, 2. I'm a hopeless romantic. (refer above question)

29. Who has changed your view about loving?
Myself.. Constant thinking can give you a new perspective on Love.

30. Message to your loved ones?
I love you baby.. Then, Now, and in the Future.. Mwaks!

divinition slips into the oblivion.. 11:25:00 pm


* * *

its finally february!! haha.. plenty to look forward to this month.. hehe.. well, maybe the most anticipated one is the "V" day! the day where we apperciate our significant other, the day we express our love to them like never before, the day when couples, young and old, can be seen frolicking in the department stores, the day when (i hope) all the bad things, the misunderstandings, the unhappiness all is forgotten and a new future together is beginning, the day where i love you vows are renewed with a heart of faith, and *sigh* when all the good and cozy restaurants are fully booked.. =p yes, how i wish everyday was valentine's day.. (but then again, not quite cause then it would lose its uniqueness.. hehe.. )

hmmm.. since i got nothing to do, i'm now figuring out wad to buy fer valentine's day ler.. *puts thinking cap on* i know of people who would spend lavishly on the presents for their loved ones.. and there are also people who spend only a little for "the" gift.. both have their pro's and con's, don't you think so.. many would prefer the former, thinking that the more expensive the gift is, the more sincere the willingness to give.. because truthfully, money is a hard thing to part with, right??.. hehe.. but then again, a considerably cheaper present can be just as good.. how can i put this.. hmm.. you should get the picture now right?.. its just that i think that a moderately priced present is just as good as an expensive one.. what makes each and every present in the world different is how much love and heart is put into it.. i'll ask you to ponder on that.. =p

as to what i'll buy (or maybe make?) hmmm... that'll be only in my head till february 14th.. hehe..

divinition slips into the oblivion.. 3:01:00 pm


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my computer